new class: the servant of the gods
A new class, with medium armor, like the ranger, and scepters for weapons (better versions of wand and two handed). These armors will have plus protection vs conditions (example -x% duration of condition on you, or more hp while condition on you) and plus energy.
Tyria has lost faith in the gods, cause all self-profit and slavery of white mantle etc...
But there are still real believers, that have faith in their gods and are imbued with their power.
The primary attribute and power of servants of the gods is faith (something like adrenaline for warriors)
faith ----> +x moral boost, perhaps 0.5 moral boost for every point. Also gains more faith every time he/she gains it. No linked skills. You gain faith everytime you target yourself or other ally with your skills. Some skills will be energy based and other faith based.
Servant of friendship---> skills about push up attributes of himself or of allies, examples:
bless my allie ----> next skill used by target other ally is boosted by +1/+4 points and you gain 1/2 its cost (energy or adrenaline or whatsoever) in faith. (then skills that needs faith fills like adrenaline skills)
I serve you well----> When you use a skill, your attribute related to that skill will be boosted by +1/+4 for x time.
Servant of vengeance----> attack and porcupine skills, but also require sacrifice in hp or in attribute points.
don't injury my ally----> your target other ally gains +5 armor for each condition he/she suffers and all around him/her recieve x fire damage for each condition on him/her. (you gain x faith for every condition and sacrifices 10% health)
My faith is my weapon----> you concentrates an attack from your scepter that does +x damage. If your target is attacking you do ++ damage. This attack ignores armor, you sacrifice 2 attribute points of servant of vengeance for x time.
My faith is my armor-----> you concentrates your faith in your scepter and light spreads of it. While enchanted you gain +x armor for x time, you must sacrifice 2 points of servant of vengeance for x time.